Differences between RCM and SAA
Customers who need CE certification are most concerned about the test cost of CE certification. Basically, customers who ask about CE certification projects will first want to know the cost, because they need to consider the cost and other issues. According to the requirements of EU regulations
How to deal with COC?
The certification is compulsory and is used for customs clearance at the importer's port of destination.The PVoC certificate should be processed by the exporter before shipment.All goods in the PVoC catalogue must obtain the CoC certificate of compliance issued by the national bureau of standards before shipment.
How much does CE certification usually cost?
Customers who need CE certification are most concerned about the test cost of CE certification. Basically, customers who ask about CE certification projects will first want to know the cost, because they need to consider the cost and other issues. According to the requirements of EU regulations
How much does CE certification usually cost?
GS means "Geprufte Sicherheit" or "Germany Safety" in German.GS certification is based on the German product safety law (SGS), a voluntary certification in accordance with the European Union standard EN or the German industrial standard DIN, which is the recognized German safety certification mark in the European market.
What about the test report?
The quality inspection report is an objective written certificate issued by the inspection institution after testing the product according to the requirements of the applicant. It mainly applies the commodity sales and the settlement of some e-commerce platforms such as jd.com, Tmall, pinduoduo, etc. The quality inspection report plays an important reference significance to whether the product quality meets the standards.What about a qualified and authoritative quality inspection report?
What certification is required for lamp export to Saudi Arabia?
Lamp export to Saudi Arabia is also complex certification!Because of the need to do a lot of authentication, next, micro test to everyone carefully about!